Mother in Nature

I love Daniela’s energy so it was most def a given that I was excited to work with her when the opportunity came into play. It’s so much fun to work with a passionate and zesty person who trusts your creative process.

We took these gorgeous semi-nudes at Rock Creek, Maryland side, and walked around the premises early morning looking for a good spot. After a few minutes we found a couple areas for us to shoot away from the walkers, joggers and runners.

A sense of spontaneity is what I love to play with in these particular sessions. When our hearts are open we lighten up and are creativity gets boosted and so does our confidence. This is when we are closely aligned with our spirit.

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The Heart

"There is no greater heaven than the heart of a loving mother
She takes care of you when you are still in her womb.
She nurtures you after you are born.
She hurts when you fall,
She celebrates when you make your first steps.
She is the only person who genuinely cares about you.
She loves you as she loves herself.
Her heart is your true paradise.
I love you mama."
Bangambiki Habyarimana (The Great Pearl of Wisdom)