Mother in Nature

I love Daniela’s energy so it was most def a given that I was excited to work with her when the opportunity came into play. It’s so much fun to work with a passionate and zesty person who trusts your creative process.

We took these gorgeous semi-nudes at Rock Creek, Maryland side, and walked around the premises early morning looking for a good spot. After a few minutes we found a couple areas for us to shoot away from the walkers, joggers and runners.

A sense of spontaneity is what I love to play with in these particular sessions. When our hearts are open we lighten up and are creativity gets boosted and so does our confidence. This is when we are closely aligned with our spirit.

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Operation: In These Streets

I had the good fortune of photographing my darling muse and transgender advocate Joanna Cifredo. We hanged out and walked around Adams Morgan, Washington DC in an early afternoon looking for nooks and crannies to shoot in. It’s always a spiritual moment when you connect with another soul but it takes courage, wisdom and strength to be able to tap into our creative geniuses and get vulnerable together. I don’t take this creative act of self-expression through vulnerability lightly. I’m grateful and I will always cherish my time with this beautiful Boriqua Woman that I call friend.

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Go Do You Little By Little

What Have you been up to ? Creating anything?
I've been moving and shifting into being more mindful in my creativity mostly due to this new normal life we are embarking on. Some readings by Julia Cameron has really helped. I officially changed my morning rituals and this has improved my daily journey. I feel compelled to share them with you below to help you navigate your daily life more fearlessly and free. 

1. 20 minute walks every now and then (a moving meditation).
2.Write your Morning Pages (journal).
3. Take Yourself on an Artist Date  (adventure out for 1hr on your own )


Also, Here's a Mantra to your meditation today:

I am the embodiment of God.I accept myself.
My life and purpose is becoming clearer.
I trust myself.
My life is thriving.
I love myself.
My life is abundant and beautiful. 
May All beings be safe, find peace and happiness.
And so it is! 

“You’ll never know who you are unless you shed who you pretend to be.”
Vironika Tugaleva

A Serene Bride to Be

Thank you Britney for getting on the phone, and booking me and my team to help you create some dreamy photos to celebrate your new role in life. Respect your creative urges. You were made to create. Even if it doesn’t turn out perfect; art evolves and this is beautiful. You are incomparable.

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Rio: Visiting my Homeland

I was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1982. Even-though I’m living in the states now I try to now and then go back to visit my roots and connect with my family and friends there. It’s a crazy land full of magical people and beautiful creatures and things. There are many facets of my authentic self and this is part of it and I will forever be blessed and honored to be from my homeland Rio.


“Then came the day when I looked into a mirror and saw ten thousand faces; in that moment I understood that my body not only holds a multitude of stories but that I also exist in many places and many times at once.” - Yung Pueblo
